Vibe: Value and Culture
Define Your Values. Drive Your Decisions.
Every decision your people make comes down to values. Our proprietary methodology cuts straight to the core, helping your team identify and align around the values that matter most. Build an unstoppable corporate culture powered by a crystal-clear Core Value Statement—one every team member can internalize, act on, and live daily to drive purpose, clarity, and meaningful change.
“Your personal core values define who you are, and an organizations core values ultimately define the organization’s character and brand. For individuals, character is destiny. For organizations, culture is destiny. ”
— Tony Hsich, Founder of Zappos | Las Vegas
What it is
A one or multi-day workshop (pending size of the organization) that engages every executive and team member in a short, but powerful proven and proprietary methodology that helps every attendee better understand the vision and mission of the organization so they can better understand which values are necessary for success. The result is a clear summary of your core corporate values, defined and articulated with examples that help drive behavior and better decision making for a successful corporate culture.
Put plainly, most team members won’t remember all your core values, thus may not successfully be able to incorporate them everyday. The biggest takeaway from the Value Session is the Core Value Statement — the one, simple, powerful line that every team members knows and understands and that ultimately drives change. For Disney its “Make everyone’s dreams come true.” For FedEx its “I will make every FedEx experience outstanding.” And for Zappos its “Deliver WOW through service.”
What’s yours?
What it’s not
This is not a poll. We don’t ask everyone what their favorite values are—it just doesn’t matter. The only values that matter are the ones that help you accomplish your vision and mission and drive real behavioral change for every team member. If you’re looking for a quick and easy list of values to put on your wall and in your annual report—look somewhere else. At Hitman Inc, we are drivers of change.
What you get
The result of the one or multi-day session is a Value Discovery Report and Executive Summary that clearly defines the project, methodology, and results in a powerfully branded PPT deck that Board presentation ready. Report includes:
Executive Summary
Executive Key Objectives
Executive Value Cloud
Executive Key Takeaways
Executive Suggested Actions
Team Member Objectives
Sample Slides
Team Member Attendance Percentages
Team Member Satisfaction Survey
Sample Value Ideation Notes
Team Member Value Cloud
Value Statements Top 10
Team Member Key Takeaways
Team Member Suggested Actions
Suggested Core Values
Core Value Definitions
Core Value Daily Use Examples
Final Value Statement
Suggested Actions
“Every single partner rated your presentation somewhere between unbelievably valuable, and the best presentation they’ve ever seen.”
— Bill Key, Partner, ELI International | Boston
Sample one-day workshop.
Offsite locations are best (fewer office distractions), but it can be done on your campus, or you can bring your team to New York City. Core Value Document is completed within two weeks for executive review. We will iterate with you to fine-tune, then will present via video call to your executive group and/or the whole company.
09:00 Executive Value Meetings
12:00 Break for Lunch
13:00 Team Member Corporate Value Discovery Presentation
14:00 Break
14:15 Team Member Corporate Value Discovery Session
16:00 End
Booking and fees
Fee range between $35,000-55,000 pending on location, travel time and dates, plus Business Class air, hotel and transfers. Steve Brazell books 3 to 6 months in advance. Need a session faster? Contact our office in New York City (US and Europe) or Kuwait in the Middle East for potential opportunities.