Payment Extraction Department

On the rare occasion a client loses enthusiasm towards their financial commitments, Hitman Inc employs the very best in motivation expertise to help clients renew their zeal, whilst oft times losing their pride. Let's hope you never have to meet them.

Viktor “The Wolf” Volkov

Known by his friends, and others, as "The Wolf,” Viktor is a disciplined professional capable of securing payments from slow or no-pay clients using highly effective (albeit a bit old-school) motivational techniques. He learned and perfected his craft in the late 1980s during periods of disruptive change.

He likes relaxing near the Black Sea, smoking La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull cigars, sampling red caviar and drinking Tsarskaya vodka. He dislikes people.

Ivan “Bones” Petrov

Ivan is a highly-energetic former Eastern European underground cage fighter, that competed successfully until an unfortunate firearm accident forced him into early retirement. He earned the nickname "Bones" for his rough and unforgiving style with opponents. Similar to The Wolf, he is a highly disciplined professional capable of quickly motivating clients to become creative financial problem solvers. 

Bones prefers Lamborghinis to Ferraris, Monaco to Marseille, and blondes to brunettes. He likes cash. He dislikes listening to grown men cry.